The Nuragic complex is located on a plateau between three granite peaks; Monti Juanni, Monti Ruju and Monti Casteddu. The nuragic village is one of the largest settlements within Luogosanto, dominated by the imposing ruins of a dolmen at the summit of Mount Ruju and a defensive wall. The dolmen placed on top of Monti Ruju is surrounded by a wall that was originally equipped with towers that incorporated natural rock formations. The village has several circular huts made from masonry tied in mud mortar and made with tafoni (natural cavities of granite). These huts were sometimes used as dwellings or for burials. An excavation demonstrates that the village was an agro-pastoral economy, with ceramics used for the construction of tools used for storing cereal, milk processing, cooking food and spinning fibres. Inside the complex there is a Meeting Hut, a large masonry building with a diameter of 10 metres. The characteristics of the Meeting Hut indicate the building had a special role reserved for meetings of the elders in the village.
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