Fèsta di l’òttu Santa Messa | Festa Manna di Gaddura 2019




Fèsta di l’òttu Santa Messa | Festa Manna di Gaddura 2019

Fèsta of l'òttu: Holy Mass sung by the female Choir "Intrempas" of Orosei.

As a tradition, eight days after the Fèsta of Nòstra Signóra di Locusantu ends the Fèsta Manna of Gaddura. The religious rites begin with the canonical Mass at 8.00, followed, at 10.30, by the second mass, sung by the female choir "Intrempas" of Orosei. At 6.00 pm in Piazza della Basilica the handover between the organizing committees will take place, with the exchange of the Marian banner and, subsequently, the blessing ceremony of the cars.

8.00, Basilica of N. S. of Locusantu: Holy Mass;

10.30, Basilica of N. S. of Locusantu: Holy Mass sung by the female Choir "Intrempas" of Orosei;

10.30, Monti Casteddu Park: Race of the regional cycling championship downhill;

18.00, Piazza della Basilica: Passage of delivery of the Marian banner between the Committee "Festa Manna 2019 Fidali 1975" and the Committee "Festa Manna 2020 Fidali 1976"; to follow, blessing of the cars with the sound of bells;

22.00, Piazza Incoronazione: Dance show with Barbie Sound; extraction of winning lottery tickets; awarding of the competitions "#FotoFestaManna" and "#Locusantu in fióri", thanks and final greetings.

The religious rites of the Fèsta of the òtu are celebrated by the Nativity Parish of the Blessed Virgin Mary with the collaboration of the Municipal Tourist Office, the financing of the "Festa Manna Fidali 1975" Committee and the patronage of the Municipality of Luogosanto . All events are free and do not require reservations. For more information contact the Tourist Office ([email protected], Facebook: @LuogosantoTouristOffice, or the Committee ( Facebook @reginadigallura, 346.13.99.368).

Translated with Google translate

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