Book presentation - Guida filosofica dell'Italia - Festa Manna di Gaddura 2018




Book presentation - Guida filosofica dell'Italia - Festa Manna di Gaddura 2018

In the green courtyard of the Bottega dei Sapori, the philosopher Giuseppe Pulina, in the company of the readers of the Library of Luogosanto, tells his Philosophical Guide to Italy (Diogene Multimedia, 2018 ), a stimulating touristic-philosophical exploration of the traces of traveling philosophers for the Italian peninsula and the island of Sardinia in search of the truth ... or of themselves?

The work (from the introduction of the book)

In this philosophical guide we will find confirmation of the fact that philosophers usually love to travel, and, contrary to what one might think, not only with the head. The mental explorations that arise from their travel experiences can be as profound as ours. [...] The journey is a militant metaphor for thought or, if you like, it is the same thought that is set in motion. And where do you go once you start walking? One would think of the missing pieces of a puzzle: the world would be the puzzle and we would like to see the pieces that an underground attraction pushes towards their place of origin. [...] But it is not the sea, it is not the high mountain or the city of art that, according to Hermann Hesse, would really seek the traveler. "[...] what we seek and of which we are thirsty is, everywhere, the Human. I do not enjoy the accidental reality of a beautiful mountain: I affirm myself, I enjoy the ability to see, to feel the lines ». With decidedly less passionate tones Ricoeur would say that "the city is indeed the world from which the gods fled and in which man is consigned to himself, to the responsibility of integral artifice". The following pages will try to give some account of this artifice. There would, however, be a third option: we could make ourselves stone and plant, as Nietzsche suggests in Gaia science, and learn to "walk through ourselves". What is required of us is not an exercise in environmental assimilation, but an act of "psychologism". In Genoa, Venice and Turin Nietzsche, of which this work deals in almost all its chapters, looked for himself. Antisocratic by vocation and definition, he ended up doing the most Socratic thing in this world. However, unlike Socrates, his exploration was a tendency towards the limit. [...] Simmel, Picard, Benjamin, Kafka, Simone Weil, Jünger, Bonhoeffer, but also Freud, Kafka and Maria Zambrano told their Italy. The Belpaese often appears there as a living model, to be portrayed in its now extinct and sometimes still seductive movements. A subject on which to reflect in order to investigate the nature of certain changes and, if deemed useful, to scrutinize ever closer directions and scenarios.

About the Author

Giuseppe Pulina (Sassari, 1963) teaches philosophy in a high school in Gallura and Philosophical Anthropology at the Euro-Mediterranean Institute of Tempio Pausania, of which he directs the magazine Mneme Ammentos. He is active in studies and publications on Carlo Michelstaedter, to whom he has dedicated the monograph The imperfect pessimist. Essay on Michelstaedter's thought (Lalli, 1996), Capitini, Bernanos, Maritain, Jabès, as well as several essays on the relationship between ethology and philosophy, including: Minima Animalia - Small philosophical bestiary (Mediando, 2005), Animals and philosophers (Giunti, 2008) and, in collaboration with Francesca Rigotti, Asini e filosofi (Interlinea, 2010). The research of recent years is characterized by an interest in personalism and Christian philosophy. In this direction goes the publication of The Angel of Husserl. Introduction to Edith Stein (Zone, 2008). Music and philosophy come together in the writing entitled La cura. You too are a special being (Zona, 2010), in which the author investigates the philosophical background and the dense network of philosophical suggestions of one of the most famous songs on the Italian music scene. In 2013 it was the turn of Rigor Cordis. For a philosophy of the heart (Publisher area). In 2015 he publishes for Diogene Multimedia Auschwitz and philosophy. An open question, followed in 2016 by Mathematical tuna and metaphysical whales, another popular work in which the author deals with the issue of the contrasted 'relationship' between philosophers and animals .

The presentation is curated by the Municipal Library of Luogosanto in collaboration with the Bardamù Library in Tempio Pausania. During and after the presentation it will be possible to buy a copy of the book. Followed by a Gallurese style aperitif curated by La Bottega dei Sapori. For further information: [email protected], Facebook: @bibliotecaluogosanto, 339.47.67.303.

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